Your first step to Brainiac Stars College (Admission to all classes for 2024/2025 session is currently ongoing)
Thank you for your interest in our school. We are delighted to have you as our student, and here is a great place to start to explore all that Brainiac Stars College offers.

Admission process
The admission process at Brainiac Stars College is very simple and straight forward.
Please, walk into the school and obtain admission/entrance form and fill all the necessary information.
Entrance examination
After submitting the entrance form, you will be given a date to come and write entrance examination.
If you pass the entrance examination, you will be given and admission letter that contain all the necessary information to resume as the student of Brainiac Stars College.

Our Mission Statement
Our Vision Statement
College Anthem
College Pledge
Section A: Attendance and Punctuality
Section B: General Rules (For all Students)
Section C: Offences and Corrective Measures
Section D: Note to Parents
To develop well rounded, highly motivated and resilient students prepared for a rapidly changing and technologically advancing world
To provide a well cultured environment which will be conducive for personal growth, academic brilliance and life long learning. Our graduates will be motivated, life-long learners and productive global citizens.
Brainiac Stars college Is a school known for Academic brilliance We stand to fit in In this global world To make a difference Our motto committed to excellence in learning standard Brainiac Stars college We are moving forward We shall all be great.
As a scholar of Brainiac Stars College, I promise to hold myself accountable to a high standard of Integrity, hard work & Commitment to excellence. I pledge to live in peace & harmony with my fellow students & the larger community while upholding the honour, values & culture of my great school. So help me God.
Attendance in School is compulsory. Absence from School must be supported by a medical. Excuse from school may be granted on compassionate grounds and on a case-by-case basis. All medical certificates or letters of excuse must be submitted to Form teacher immediately when the student returns to School. Absence without valid reason will be deem as truancy. Parents need to apply for leave of absence for their child from the Vice Principal to leave or absent themselves from school for urgent private matters.
Permission to leave school early may be granted for special cases. The form Teacher must be informed by the student and permission must be obtained from the Principal or Vice Principal. His/Her parent/guardian will be contacted and his/her name will be entered in the Early Dismissal Book in te General Office. Students may leave for overseas travel only during school-announced or official holidays.
1B. Students must be punctual for school, and all school events. Students who are late for school i.e after morning assembly are subjected to late – coming procedures which include a report slip before they are allowed back to class.
1. All students are resume in the College on the day spelt out in the school calendar.
2. Every student is to be in the school premises at or before 7:45am on weekdays for daily assembly/lessons and on other days as directed by the College.
3. Every student must be in the classroom or at the assembly ground at least five (5) minutes before the commencement of lessons/assembly at 7:45am. 4. The use of the assembly manual is compulsory for all students.
4. All students are to participate actively in the morning devotion, hymns, singing of the national and school anthems, etc.
5. The assembly provides an opportunity to disseminate useful information to both staff and students. Hence, due attention must be maintained whenever announcements are made at the assembly ground.
6. All form Teachers will then mark attendance.
7. All students must stand at attention for flag raising ceremony. 8. Student will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
9. All students must sing the school song with pride and respect. 10. During morning reflection, student are to listen carefully and to record down learning points in the handbook.
1. Classes are to proceed to the School Hall in a quiet and orderly manner and be seated quickly.
2. A respectful silence and orderliness must be maintained during all assemblies.
3. Student must not absent themselves and must be punctual.
4. Class attendance will be taken. Absence without a valid reason will be considered as truancy.
1. Students are to appear neat at all times within and outside the College. They must be in the right uniform, have their shirts tucked in always, and the sleeves properly buttoned.
2. The approved school uniform for every student is Cream short- and sleeved shirt on Wine trousers for senior students boys and Cream short-sleeved shirt on Wine shorts for junior students with a pair of Black covered shoes.
3. The approved school uniform for senior student girls is cream blouse short-sleeve on wine checkers skirt and pinafore wine checkers on short-sleeve cream blouse for Junior girls.
4. Boys must have their hair cut low; no markings, colours, or patterns which are not condoned by the College.
5. Students are not allowed to keep beard
6. Girls should always follow the weekly hairstyle.
7. Students in need of extra clothing to shield themselves from cold are expected to be in the official College sweater.
8. Students are not allowed to have tattoos on any part of their body.
1D. GENERAL CONDUCT (within and outside the college)
1. All students are expected to be caring, persevering and forward-looking persons.
2. All students are to make good use of platforms created for their development.
3. Students must comport themselves and maintain good manners both within and outside the College.
4. The language for communication in the College is the English Language. Vernacular languages within the College premises are to be limited to their lesson periods.
5. No student is permitted to bully or punish other students as this may warrant suspension (definite/indefinite) or expulsion from the College.
6. The use of foul or insulting words in the College is prohibited and may attract a suspension from the College.
7. Cases of disobedience to teachers and other constituted authorities in the College will not be tolerated by the College Management.
8. List of students leaving the school compound for activities outside the College must be submitted to the School Administrator for vetting.
9. No student is allowed to keep, seize or take another student’s money or property without his consent.
10. Students are to be punctual to all activities in the College and must be seated 5 minutes to the commencement of such activities.
11. No student must be involved in any suggestive behaviour, indecent exposure and indecent or immoral acts e.g. acts of homosexuality, cultism, indecent conversations with students and/or staff.
12. In the event that the College judges, after due observation and consultation with the Management, a student unfit to continue his studies in the College either on moral and/or academic grounds, she reserves the right to withdraw such a student from the College.
1. Work with all your classmates and teachers to achieve optimal outcomes.
2. All students must be punctual for lessons.
3. Attendance will be taken before the start of each lesson.
4. Students must not to leave the classroom without permission by teachers.
5. Students should obey and respond readily to the school bell.
6. Students should wear their school uniform and shirts should be tucked in at all times.
7. Students should not fight in class.
8. Students should enter or leave their classroom in an orderly manner.
9. Students should not chew gum.
10. Students should not run in the corridors.
11. Students should not write on the walls.
12. Students should keep the classroom neat and tidy.
13. All pieces of paper or waste should be put into the dustbin. 14. Students should not take another person’s things.
15. All found items should be handed over to the nearest teacher.
1. The classroom remains a place of growing in the knowledge of the self and of the world around us. It is the duty of all students to be present and attentive in class for lessons and be punctual.
2. Silence and serenity must be maintained at all times around the classroom blocks. This is very important especially during the periods of tests, examinations, seminars, and end of term retreats/recollections.
3. Students are to participate actively in class, taking down notes and carrying out assignments given to them by subject teachers.
4. The period of break serves as a time for students to refresh themselves. All students must ensure that they make the best use of the time to put themselves together before the recommencement of lessons.
5. Students are to spend free periods in the library and must not be found loitering around the College premises.
6. Tests and examinations are important for the assessment of students’ learning for a specified period. All students are to ensure that they prepare adequately and dispose themselves appropriately for tests and examinations.
7a. Any student caught in the act of examination malpractice shall score zero in that test/examination, and then he shall be made to repeat his class. If he is a repeater, he will be asked to withdraw.
7b. Involvement in Acts of Examination Malpractice will include but not limited to the following: possession of extraneous materials in the course of tests/examinations, written points on any part of the body, spying into another student’s work, use of the internet during CBT, asking another student questions during tests/examinations, dropping lesson tests or other materials in the restroom and going there to study/view answers during tests/examinations, soliciting assistance through signs and codes, dictating answers to another student, taking an examination/test on behalf of another student, using a text/examination answer sheet gotten unlawfully, etc..
8. Holiday projects given to students are to be diligently undertaken and considered an essential part of their learning process and assessment.
9. Students, from JSS2-SSS2, who fall short of the promotion criteria, will be asked to repeat or withdraw from the College.
10. The College promotion criterion is:
11. Any student who has repeated a class once, shall at the second time be asked to withdraw from the College.
12. Any student in SSS1, who wishes to change his department shall only be allowed to do so before his second continuous assessment tests of the first term. This is to be accompanied with a letter of notification from the parents sent to and approved by the Administrator.
13. Any student who wishes to change from either Igbo Language to Yoruba Language or Yoruba Language to Igbo Language can only be allowed to do so not later than the first term of the session. This is to be accompanied with a letter of notification from the parents sent to and approved by the Administrator.
14. Admission into the College shall be into JSS1, and transfer students for JSS2 & SSS1 only.
1. Do leave the areas in school in a better condition and state of cleanliness after use.
2. Take good care of school properties and premises.
3. Cost of replacement for vandalized items will be borne by student(s) responsible for the damage.
4. Maintain the highest standards of cleanliness at all times on the school premises.
5. Cleanliness includes the maintenance of the immediate surrounding areas.
6. Food and all sweet drinks are to be consumed only in the canteen.
7. All cultleries and trays must be returned to designed receptacles and litter disposed into the rubbish bins.
8. Mobile phones can only be switched on after school.
1. Keep the classroom clean and neat at all times.
2. Show consideration to others by keeping the noise level low. 3. Update the class notice boards regularly.
4. Use of all forms of electronic gadgets is prohibited unless they are required for lessons, e.g. calculators for Mathematics and Electronic Dictionaries.
School Uniform
In General
Student must wear the prescribed school uniform and any modification is strictly not allowed except to alter the length of the skirts and pants.
For Boys
1. School uniform must be purchased from the school.
2. Tapering of pants is strictly not allowed. The pants may be altered to the appropriate length only.
For Girls
1. Skirts must be purchased from the school.
2. They should be at knee length, i.e touching the caps.
1. Hair must be kept neat and tidy at all times.
2. Fancy hair styling, tinting, dyeing, highlighting and bleaching of hair are strictly not allowed for all students.
For Boys
1. Male students must be neat in appearance and clean-shaven at all times. No facial hair is allowed.2. Hair must not touch the collar and must be sloped at sides and rear. No sideburns and ducktails are allowed. The fringe must be above the eyebrows and should not be spiky. Hair when combed down should not touch the eyebrows or/and the ears.
3. Hair must not be permed.
For Girls
1. Female students must be neat in appearance at all times. 2. Hair must be neatly plaited without extensions.
A Class Committee is set up in every class. This is one of the platforms for the students to exercise leadership in safe and nurturing environment.
1. To provide students the opportunity to develop their leadership potential.
2. To promote a sense of responsibility among students by encouraging them to serve their classmates as well as the school.
3. To foster class spirit by enabling students to deal with the day- to-day affairs of their class.
1. Helps maintain discipline of the class at all times.
2. Is in charge of the class discipline file. 3. Monitors class attendance and student movements.
1. Assist the captain in all his/her duties.
2. Prepares the class duty roaster and ensures the cleanliness of the classroom.
3. Notifies the office if a teacher is absent or relief is not assigned.
4. Keep records of meetings. 5. Manage Class monetary matters and keep financial records.
1. Ensure that the Homework Board is updated daily. 2. Ensures that educational articles are put up for display on the notice board and updated periodically.
3. Reports defective equipment to the office, e.g faulty fans, light, etc.
4. Organises activities to cater to the overall wellbeing of the class, e.g birthday cards, thank you card etc.
5. Reports any safety issue to the Form Teacher or Operations Manager.
6. Ensures that health-related articles are put up for display on the health notice board and updated periodically.
1. Overseas activities related to environmental matters.
2. Creates green awareness in the class through class or school green activities.
3. Encourage classmates in the recycling effort.
4. Supports school recycling programme on regular basis.
5. Helps and runs the environmental activities in the school.
1. Is responsible for collecting and returning all ICT equipment.
2. Assists teacher in setting up class for ICT lesson.
3. Reports the breakdown of the ICT equipment to the ICT department.
4. Attends training sessions and meetings organized by the ICT department.
1. In order to maintain a sound mind and a healthy body, every student is to participate in sporting activities in the College.
2. Every student is to have his set of sportswear and must wear such for sports.
3. Assists PE teacher during PE lessons.
4. Is responsible for drawing out and returning equipment for PE lessons.
5. Selects and prepares classmates for inter-class competitions.
6. Assists teacher during emergency evacuation.
7. Champions health and safety in class.
8. Collects and submits safety and health promoting suggestion to the Form Teacher or PE teacher.
9. It is expected that every student is dedicated to at least one sport and make conscious effort to improve in it.
10. It is important that due respect for allotted times for sports and training must be maintained. Coming late will not be entertained.
11. On the days set aside for training, every member of the College team must be present at their places of training.
12. As young men of dignity, it is important that students respect the rules of the games and must never attempt to cheat even on the sports field.
13. Students who would be selected to represent the College at any sporting activity outside the College premises must always be fully dressed in their track-suits and canvass.
14. It is expected that the College representatives at outdoor events exhibit a high level of decency and good sportsmanship.
15. General sports day shall be on Wednesdays, between 9:40am and 10:40am
16. Sporting events in the College include: football, lawn tennis, basketball, athletics, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, board/card games (ludo, chess, scrabble, monopoly).
1. Every student is expected to belong to at least one social group in the College.
2. Active participation is required of all members of social groups as records of this will be reflected in the report sheet of students at the end of the term/session.
3. No student is to absent himself from social gatherings organized by the College.
4. Every student is to be of decent conduct and behave in a responsible manner at social gatherings.
1. Kneeling: Asking a student to kneel, with hands raised and eyes closed.
2. A student can be asked to sweep a certain portion of the premises for a period of time as determined by the College authority.
3. Detention: A student can be asked to stay back after school to carry out a community service. This is to be meted out if a student has defaulted in a particular case repeatedly.
4. Suspension (definite or indefinite)
5. Expulsion from the College (after suspension or on moral grounds as deemed by the College).
1. Truancy
2. Unacceptable haircut/hairstyles, dressing on resumption days.
3. Persistent lateness to school or College activities.
4. Disorderliness in appearance and wearing of dirty uniforms.
5. Indifference to studies and activities in the College.
6. Use of foul and abusive language in communication with other students.
7. Sneaking in edible items into the classroom or College premises.
8. Disruption of lessons either in word or deed to distract classmates/teachers.
9. Attempt to fight within or outside the College premises.
10. Destruction of College property, after which the required amount will be paid for repairs.
- Persistent lateness to or absence from school after due warning.
- Students who have received a letter of warning for unacceptable haircuts etc.
- Students who have received a letter of warning for violation of College rules.
- Truancy after due warning.
- Open refusal to accept corrective or disciplinary measures.
- Morally unacceptable conduct inside/outside the College as reported by teachers, College personnel, Students or any other person.
- Deliberate acts of vandalism, defacing, and destruction of school property.
- Obtaining money or another’s possession by force, threat or by suspicious means.
- Disrespect/disobedience/Assault/Insult, either in words or deeds to College staff/persons in authority.
- Infliction of physical injuries on peers, teachers, and school personnel. This may attract indefinite suspension depending on the nature of the injury inflicted.
- Cooperating with outsiders to incite trouble and commotion resulting in injuries to students, teachers or other school personnel.
- Bringing, selling and exploding firecrackers inside the school.
- Gambling.
- Bullying (physical or cyberbullying), hitting, slapping and undue intimidation of other students. This also entails a student punishing another student without permission from the College Management.
- Bringing/distribution/using pornographic magazines and materials to/within the College premises or surfing the internet for explicit materials.
- Bringing of electronic gadgets, mobile phones, tablets, and gizmos to the College premises.
- Leaving the College premises without permission from the Assistant Administrator.
- Staying off school without due permission.
- Fighting.
- Illicit relationship/talks with fellow students and/or before staff and students.
- Any student who has been issued letters of warning (warning, and strict warning).
- Any student who has been suspended once, goes on indefinite suspension at the second time.
- In all cases of suspension, an undertaking signed by the student and countersigned by his parents or guardian shall be required as a condition for re-admission. Upon resumption, the student is to see the College guidance counsellor.
The primary right and duty to educate children rests on parents. In the home, more than any other place, parents teach by their examples, reverence for God and respect for the dignity of others. They are also tremendously influential in cultivating in their children the virtues of love of neighbour, justice, generosity, loyalty, industry and honestly, which will help them live dignified lives. In addition to these, parents are considered strong collaborators in the education of their children, it is important for them to take note of the following:
1. Parents are not allowed into the College premises except on visiting days or when invited by the College Management.
2. Parents are to give the College Staff the respect they deserve and address them with courtesy always.
3. Parents are to note that the formation of the child does not rest solely with the College; parents play significant roles in the holistic development of their children/wards. In that light, parents are encouraged to always check the lessons and results of their children/wards to ensure they are up to date, encourage their children to take assignment seriously, to study as when due to ensure their success.
4. All parents are encouraged to be familiar with the College website/portal as vital information, messages, results and bills/payment of fees shall be done through such means.
5. Parents are to carefully read the termly newsletters/bulletins released by the Administrator to keep themselves of important College news, activities and calendars.
6. Parents are encouraged to ensure that all payments of school fees are done through the proper College portal and into their children’s designated accounts. The College does not entertain payments of children school fees through a staff or in cash/POS.
Mrs. Moronkeji Okwuonu (Nee Fagbohun) Director/Proprietress
Important dates and guidelines
Brainiac Stars College follows the unified Lagos State school calender. Admission is a two step process. In the first step the children write an entrance examination after the registration.
Monday 9th September, 2024
Resumption date for First term of the session. Prospective students that have been given admission letter are to come to school after paying the necessary fees. -
Friday 13th December, 2024
First term closes. -
Monday 6th January, 2025
Resumption date for Second term of the session -
Friday 11th April, 2025
Second term closes. -
Monday 28th April, 2025
Resumption date for Third term of the session -
Friday 25th July, 2024
Third term closes
New admission starts in September 2023
As usual, you are to walk into the school and obtain admission/entrance examination form.
Our entrance exam date for 2023/2024 session is: 10th June, 24th June and 8th July, 2023.
About Us
We are a coeducational school committed to developing well-rounded morally upright, creative thinkers and technologically adapted learners.
Contact Us
Address: 7, Ogbonna Close, Pacific Estate, Ewedogbon Bus Stop, Akesan. Off LASU-Igando Road, Lagos.
Phone Number: +2348033038683
Email Addresses:
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